Friday, June 23, 2006

The Nomi Song

One of my favorite discoveries of the last few months has been that an all-time favorite of mine, Klaus Nomi, is going through a kind of renaissance. Andrew Horn's documentary, THE NOMI SONG, has spurred new interest in this phenomenal and irreplacable artist.

I'd like to say something clever and comment brilliantly on Klaus and his work, but one of the things about Klaus was his ability to render his audience speechless. My friend Ted and I watched "the Nomi Song", as did my friend Lukas, who was also blown away by this amazing man and the story of his life and work. Twenty years after his death, Klaus continues to stun, inspire, and amaze.

I still remember watching Klaus on SNL in the seventies with Bowie (with my parents, no less), and the feelings of amazement I felt when I saw him on a news program (was it 20/20?), and then the amzing scene in URGH! a Music War(will that EVER be released on DVD?).

I originally got "the Nomi Song" from netflix, and I immediately ordered a copy from There are tons of DVD extra's, including performance footage (which has always been so tough to find), commentaries on the times , audio remixes, Klaus's life, and more. It all makes this disc well worth owning. The movie features Ann Magnussen, Kenny Scharf, and many others from the new wave scene which was so vibrant in late seventies, early eighties New York. I can't recommend this enough.

  • the Nomi Song
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